默默无闻的爱 – 故事 1 小贩

默默无闻的爱 – 故事 1 小贩

20206min 52sec

对抗新冠病毒,人人有责。 在大家各尽本分的当儿,在我们背后,有着一群为了给我们提供一个更安全舒适的环境,而努力着的幕后英雄。他们经历着和我们同样的生活压力下,但却没忘记继续努力的付出。这是我们策划推出的第一个故事,想对所有的小贩朋友们,表达我们的谢意。。 留个言,为彼此加油,一起努力吧!

Everyone plays a part in fighting against COVID19. While you and me are doing our part, there are a group of heroes who are working hard to provide us with a safer and more comfortable environment. They experienced the same pressures of life as us, but did not forget to continue to work hard for the nation. This is the first story we are launching to express our gratitude to all our friends from the Hawker industry. Join us by leaving a comment, to thank and express our appreciation for what they’ve done for us. Let’s cheer for each other, and be united during this period of time!


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